SKE 1985 – 2025
40 years of Karate Excellence

Bringing you the best
in Shotokan Karate



On 10th May 2015, we will be performing a Karate Kata Marathon in memory of the late Liz Lafbury, a senior Black Belt member of SKE, who passed away last year. The funds raised will go to the The Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation.  All members from all SKE Clubs will be taking part.

In 30 years we have raised more than £100,000 for various charities and we hope that this year all records of previous years will be broken. Remember we hold the Guinness World Record for performing 8,533 Kata in three hours.

The event will be held at the Harlow Leisurezone from 3.00 to 6.00pm and will be exciting to watch. There is no charge for spectators but there will be a collection box for any who feel they would like to contribute. There will be VIPs and prizes for the best fundraiser from each club. As well as that we will be featured on Radio, local TV and in local newspapers.

Great News; The Roy Castle Lung cancer Foundation has just offered to supply us with 200 special commemorative T Shirts for those taking part in the Katathon on 10th May. We will wear with pride!

Stop Press! Enfield Grammar School is supporting our fundraising event and efforts by having a ‘no uniform day’ for the students. Our thanks go to the Headmaster, the staff and the pupils.

This is our 30th year (we began in 1985) and it is also the 25th year of the Roy Castle charity. Keep 10th May free and start spreading the word. We have more sponsor forms available, so start getting sponsored right now.

Liz Lafbury – Latymer School Fete 1989